Beauty in All Things


I've been quite fortunate to have clients who do not mind me taking pictures of their feet, for the most part. However, when seeking practice feet while in school, I encountered many individuals who did not even want me to look at their feet. I have the utmost respect for this decision, of course, but sometimes found myself wondering why some of us are repulsed by feet, even our own.

I've heard a variety of reasons, ranging from ashy skin to having been shot in the foot. I always provide the same response: "It does not matter to me." The foot is an amazing appendage, and any injuries it has sustained is a testament to its fortitude. Feet must support the weight of our bodies, sustain constant force and pressure from ambulation and labor, and adjust to ill-fitting shoes. In time, wear and tear may occur.

Based on all that our feet go through, I think that instead of hiding and covering, we should cherish them. Our feet require the same love that we give our hands, or our faces. After all, our feet are what keep us rooted and grounded. Therefore, they deserve respect.


Laying on of Hands


My Passion About Feet