Reflexology for the Winter Blues


The cold, brutal weather and shortened days of winter can lead to depression for some. You may find yourself irritable, unable to concentrate, less energetic, and eating more. The 'Winter Blues' is a form of a more severe condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a mood disorder that normally begins around September or October, and ends at the beginning of spring. According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 3 million people are affected by SAD each year, most of them women. You are also more likely to develop SAD if you have already been diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder.

How can reflexology help with Seasonal Affective Disorder? First, reflexology can provide an overall feeling of relaxation and tranquility, which will naturally lighten your mood. In addition, application of pressure to certain reflex points can stimulate the release of 'feel good' hormones and neurotransmitters that encourage happiness. These include:

• Serotonin - produced in the digestive tract (80-90%) and the pineal gland

• Oxytocin - produced in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland

• Dopamine - produced by neurons in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brain

• Endorphins - produced in the central nervous system, including the pituitary gland

So, sit back and enjoy a reflexology session! It may be just what you need to get you through to warmer days.


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