Water Rituals


Up to 60% of the human body is composed of water, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. This may be why many of us have an affinity for water, be it surfing, diving, or boating. For those of us who are a little less adventurous, regular trips to the beach or living near the ocean may suffice. With our love for the water, it then makes sense that we can easily incorporate it into our rituals to increase positive energy in our daily lives.

We usually come in contact with water several times a day during our basic hygiene practices. Take these opportunities to harness the power of water for your benefit. Each time you shower, bathe, or even wash your hands and face, imagine washing all negativity away from your skin. This could be bad vibes from others, but also your own self-doubts, worries and fears. You are not only cleansing yourself physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

You can also increase the effectiveness of your ritual when taking a bath by using herbs and spices. Some boil the herbs beforehand, making a tea to pour into the bathwater. Others add the herbs directly into the tub and soak with them.

Drinking your water can become a ritual to promote positivity as well. Dr. Masaru Emoto gained fame following experiments exposing water to specific words and phrases such as ‘truth,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘you disgust me,’ and ‘evil.’ He then studied the molecular structure of the water under a microscope. He found that the water associated with positive words formed clear, symmetrical shapes, while the water associated with negative words appeared muddled and polluted.

Although skeptics in the scientific community widely criticized Emoto’s experiments for having poor methodology (insufficient sample sizes, etc.), millions of people believed in what he was saying, making him a New York Times best-selling author for his series of books on water, including ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ and ‘The Secret Life of Water.’

As an energy healer, I think that such a correlation between water and emotions is not only possible, but makes sense. Either way, it won’t hurt to give it a try. Fill a jar with water, screw the lid on, and then add a sticky label with the word of your choice. It could say ‘protection,’ ‘tranquility,’ whatever is most appropriate for your current situation. Let the jar sit for at least a week, if possible in the sun. Then drink your water. The key is constantly visualizing positivity coming in, and negativity going away. It may take a little while to turn these rituals into a habit, but if you do them with frequency and intention, the energy surrounding your life should start to change.

I was inspired to write this blog post by a conversation with a lovely young woman on Instagram. Thank you for the discourse.


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