Egg Cleansing


Can an egg absorb negative energy? According to many, the answer is yes. A ritual developed from this belief, which is said to have its origins in Mexico and parts of Central America, though it is now practiced in many regions of the world. The Spanish name for this practice is ‘la limpia’ (the cleanse), or ‘limpia de huevo’ (egg cleansing).

A ‘curandera’ or ‘curandero’ (traditional folk healer) can administer an egg cleansing, although many people perform them on themselves and loved ones. Please note that la limpia can be a very involved process, and I am providing a general overview.

Methods of performing an egg cleansing may vary. One way is to begin with an uncooked egg that has been sitting out just long enough to become room temperature. You can prepare your sacred space by smudging or with prayer. I have heard of variations where people sprinkle herbs over the egg, anoint it with oil, and pray over it. Some use crystals. The individual to be cleansed may also recite prayers or Bible verses, and be anointed.

Proceed to run the egg lightly all over your body. Start at the top of your head, move down over your face, ears, neck.... cover all areas. Cover your arms, legs, torso, all the way down to your feet. Go at a pace where you feel comfortable, and feel free to revisit areas that you feel may need extra attention. If the egg happens to break while you are performing your cleansing, then this may mean that you have a lot of energy to release. Discard the egg outside of your home, and start the process anew with a fresh egg.

Once you have finished your cleansing, you have two options: you can either throw the egg away (again, away from your home), or you can read it. To do the latter, have a clear container filled with room temperature water nearby. Carefully crack the egg, and open it into the water. Now you can interpret the egg’s meaning. You may see the following (interpretations vary as well):

The yolk does not sink to the bottom of the container – You are surrounded by intense negative energy, and may have had a curse or hex put upon you.

Cloudy water, a distasteful scent, blood in the yolk, or a black yolk – This is also indicative of intense negative energy, perhaps health issues.

An eye in the yolk – Someone is giving you the evil eye.

A face or skull – Someone who has ill intent towards you.

Web-like patterns – You are entrapped or ensnared by something (or someone).

Bubbles – Guardian spirits are assisting you.

As you can see, la limpia is not only used to clear negative energy, but also serve as an indication that more in depth spiritual rituals may be needed. Continue to cleanse with eggs as frequently as you feel the need, and note the changes when reading the egg. Each time I complete an egg cleansing, I feel light and refreshed. Have you tried one before? If not, give it a go; you have nothing to lose…. but negative energy!


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