Healing Vibrations of Cats


There's an energetic reason behind why we enjoy the purring of cats so much.... The low rumbling is all at once comforting, and relaxing. Couple that with a warm body with soft fur, and the experience is a sensory treasure trove! We find cuddling with a cat to be heavenly, but there may be a benefit that many of us are unaware of.... the purrs of a cat can heal.

Cats of all types generally purr at frequencies between 20 and 150 Hertz. In house cats, the range is normally from 20 to 50 Hertz. Studies show that these sound frequencies produce vibrations that can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, increase bone density, and heal muscles and tendons. In addition, cats rarely exhibit respiratory problems, which may be attributed to purring as well. These are some of the reasons for the common saying that cats have 'nine lives.'

Of course, this research was only performed with cats, however but there are implications for humans that are drawing interest, In addition, there are many who swear that being around cats help them feel better, and science backs this up: people with cats tend to live longer than those without, Could the cat's purr be the key to our healing? Only time can tell.... In the meantime, continue to curl up and enjoy!

Source: Animal Wellness Magazine


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