Moon Magic


The full moon always seems to catch everyone's interest. Why is this? Some of it is based upon the sheer beauty: its glow and its mystery. But there is more....

First, let’s get the terminology out of the way:

Full moon – When the entire face of the moon reflects sunlight, making it visible on Earth. The moon appears as a whole circle. Full moons generally take place approximately once per month. However....

Blue moon – A second full moon within a month.

Black moon – When no full moon is visible during a month.

Supermoon – A full moon that takes place when the moon is closest to Earth during its orbit.

Lunar eclipse – When the Earth’s shadow covers the moon. This only occurs during a full moon.

Blood moon – When the moon appears to have a red color, due to the shadow of the Earth.

Before the age of cell phones, people used the phases of the moon to mark the passage of time. Each month, the full moon was named after changes taking place in nature at that moment. The names can vary, but here are some of the most popular:

January - Wolf Moon

February - Snow Moon

March - Worm Moon

April - Pink Moon

May - Flower Moon

June - Strawberry Moon

July - Buck Moon

August - Sturgeon Moon

September - Harvest Moon

October - Hunter's Moon

November - Beaver Moon

December - Cold Moon

So, why the fascination? Look at it in terms of energy.

When there is a full moon, one word is key: AMPLIFICATION. Whatever you are thinking, feeling or doing will be amplified, whether good or bad. Therefore, the key is to focus on positivity at this time. Work towards your specific goals. Rituals may be especially effective during this time, which is why performing them during a full moon is so popular.

Don’t worry if you missed the most recent full moon; there will always be more! Take advantage….


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