Wine and Spirits


Time to imbibe....

New Year's Eve brings visions of pulsating lights, loud parties, and lots and lots of alcohol. As we head out to the liquor store to stock up for the big night, illuminated signs scream brightly when we approach the door. 'Wine and Spirits' often glows dangerously in bold neon. Spirits? Why do they call it that? What exactly does 'spirits' mean?

On one hand, one could simply say that spirits are a type of alcohol. The others are beer (made from fermented grains, normally barley) and wine (made from fermented fruit, normally grapes). The category of spirits (also known as hard liquor) consists of alcoholic beverages such as rum, tequila, and brandy. The process of distillation reveals the 'spirit' of the alcohol by increasing its strength.

Now, let's move beyond the physical world. We have all observed someone get drunk, or have been drunk ourselves. A 'completely different person' can emerge, who we would never see during sober moments. Some believe that the consumption of alcohol lowers our protective energy levels, allowing undesirable spirits or demons to enter and gain control. If we're able to remember our actions the next day, we can conveniently blame it on the alcohol: "It wasn't me."

I tend to follow the 'liquid courage' theory. Inhibitions gone, we now speak our minds and expose our true natures: the good, the bad and the ugly. However, since I do believe in spirits, I cannot disregard the idea of their presence during moments like these. Drink mindfully, and have fun!


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