The Energy on Halloween


I've always enjoyed Halloween, but for a long time I didn't truly understand why. Something wild happens once the sun goes down.... The air is filled with an energy so intense that it is palpable.

Perhaps this is because people are in a good mood, preparing for celebrations. Or maybe Halloween gives us permission to shed our inhibitions for one night, and be whomever we want to be. This freedom is akin to a drug, sampled by all. With these emotions coursing through us, we venture out into the crisp air.

Generally, I use Halloween as an opportunity to focus my energy on my life path: to meditate on correcting any errors I may be making, and to manifest what I desire and need to move forth. Though I am enthralled by the colors of the costumes, the multi-colored lights of the parties, and the throbbing basslines in the music.... I prefer the solitude, the quiet, in order to clear my head and get on with the business of making things happen.

It's a good night for it.


Energetic Edibles


Laying on of Hands