They Want Your Energy


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I spoke with a couple of people recently and found that we were all having the same experience. Now, we're supposed to be practicing social distancing, right? Six feet away, no more than 10 people in a group, all that. In some places this is unavoidable, like at the grocery store. But even still.....

We all found that sometimes people would be standing right up on us, I mean literally, no personal space at all. And this wasn't accidental, it was deliberate. This has always been an occurrence for me. For example, when I would ride the bus or subway, the whole area could be practically empty, and people would still come and sit right beside me (and then start telling me about their lives). But what I am noticing now is on a more aggressive level, especially given the health concerns. As we discussed our individual experiences, the answer was already quite clear.... They want our energy.

By nature, human beings are social creatures. We complain about the hustle and bustle, the crowds, the traffic jams.... But on a certain level, we crave the closeness and contact that these situations bring. Then, not so out of the blue, a quarantine. We no longer even have professional sports to distract us. They get the adrenaline pumping as we live vicariously through the athletes, experiencing their triumphs, and failures, as our own. And now, this form of stimulation, which engaged billions of fans, is gone.

People are losing their minds. Look across social media in particular and you will see people dying of boredom and craving attention. This goes for both celebrities and the general population as well. Some of us are so uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with our own thoughts that we must occupy ourselves with things and people. Therefore, being trapped indoors all day, every day, from sunup until sundown is maddening. Some of us fare better than others, as there are those of us who draw our energy from being around people (known as extroverts), and those of us who draw our energy from solitude (known as introverts). But even the introvert by definition is not antisocial, and also enjoys the company of others at times.

There is a book called 'The Celestine Prophecy,' written by James Redfield. In it, he states that there is an endless supply of energy in the universe. We need only access it in order to obtain all that we want. Many of us are unable to do so, and instead we take energy from other people, leaving them drained. These are called energy vampires.

Now, take a group of people who have been starved of human contact, and put them in a grocery store, which is probably one of the only places they go outside of the home. It is a literal smorgasbord of energy: people milling around and moving in and out of the building. At last.... And so they get as close to you as possible to feel that energy, to absorb those vibrations. People are getting desperate. For the most part, they stop just short of touching you, and I can feel them struggling to hold back on that. Sometimes they do cross the line, though. Do you think that the fighting in stores is always about a roll of toilet paper? No, sometimes they are craving contact, and they'll use any means to get it.

Someone asked me, "Well, what about the people they live with at home?" They've already taken everything from them, I replied. They need fresh and new blood. Some people need a constant flow of energy from different individuals in order to remain satiated. And some of us carry more energy than others... This is what we're dealing with.

So what can you do? You can tell them to back up, you can move.... But honestly, there's not much you can do to prevent them from attempting to take your energy. And it's going to get worse the longer we are isolated. Since you cannot control the actions of others, control your own.... Protect yourself. One way to do so is to imagine your entire body as being surrounded by a bubble, a large force field which repels anyone or anything that would do you harm. Do this whenever you go outside, and if necessary, even inside your own home.

Watch yourselves out there.


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