You Asked For Time


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You asked for time; time to pursue your dreams, to do all the things you wanted to do. You asked for time, because there weren't enough hours in the day, and you were completely exhausted after work. You asked for it, and now it is here. But like so many things in life, it didn't quite come in the form that you expected it to.

We do not have control over this situation. But what we do have control over is ourselves, and our reactions to what is going on around us. We have to be able to set aside the fear long enough to realize that this is an opportunity. The goal is to come out of this situation better than when we went in.

For those of us stuck at home, it is very easy to sit around and do nothing. The modern conveniences of the internet and cable television make it quite simple to stay entertained by mindless diversions. With freezers stuffed with food and plush sofas, we are ensconced in comfort. And as we all know, comfort, and the stagnation it brings, are deadly. But you can be resurrected by following these steps:

1. Get up every morning and perform the same routine you did when you were going to work. Shower, brush your teeth, prepare your lunch, everything. Even if you end up putting on your pajamas again, you will be wide awake and ready to start your day.

2. Write out a list of all of the things you have wanted to accomplish, but have not had the chance to do because of your day-to-day grind. Maybe you wanted to learn how to play that instrument that has been gathering dust in the basement, or write that business plan you've been putting off for ages.

3. Make a daily schedule. Every hour of your day should be accounted for, even time for relaxation. You should incorporate time for self-care practices such as exercise and meditation. You should also devote time to the aforementioned Number 2, the things that you want to accomplish. Create the schedule as you see fit, especially if you are caring for children or other loved ones, or working from home. Once you have developed your routine, stick to it.

4. Eat as healthy as possible. On my last trip to the grocery store, the frozen food aisles were decimated, but there was plenty of fresh produce. Be practical, of course. You do want staples that can last without refrigeration, and food that can stretch to feed several people. However, try to incorporate nutritious foods into your diet. The ice cream, the breaded fish.... I know. But we want to be at least the same weight when we can finally go outside again.

Following these steps is going to take an enormous amount of self-discipline, but let's put it all into perspective. You want more for yourself, you always have. But we can lose sight of that as we grow older and our responsibilities grow along with us. Our imagination becomes stunted, and we forget. Isn't it worth putting in the work to be who you want to be? Start now, and you can develop habits that will last long after this crisis has passed.

You have no excuses. You wanted time, now you have it. So what are you going to do with it? The time is now.


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